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junk mail 垃圾郵件,三等郵件〔指大量郵寄的廣告、宣傳品、通知單、征...

junk man

But many illegal junk mails are sent through the internet such as selling ads , collecting funds ; these junk mails not only occupy the capacities of mail server , but also waste the energies and time of users to manage them 但是,許多銷售廣告、快速致富等垃圾郵件也在網絡中傳送,這些垃圾郵件不僅占據郵件服務器的大量存儲空間,同時也需要用戶花費大量的時間和精力來處理這些垃圾郵件。

Knn algorithm is used in illegal web page filtering system and naive bayes algorithm , modified , is used in junk mail filtering system . these two algorithms are implemented on linux operation system 本文將knn算法應用到了非法網頁過濾中,將naivebayes算法應用到了垃圾郵件過濾中,并根據垃圾郵件的特性對naivebayes算法做了必要的改進。

Most common ways of unwillingly accessing these websites are either by clicking advertisement banners placed on many websites or through the junk mail which you received from the overseas gambling operator 最常見的情況是,只須點選不少網站上的廣告標題或從海外賭博經營商發送的垃圾電郵,便會在非情愿的情況下接觸到這些賭博網站。

Apart from being the number - one evil invading our digital life , junk mail has become a highly creative product illustrating the complicated interactions between machine and modern culture 當垃圾電郵已不覺間成為我們的所謂數碼生活的頭號敵人時,其充滿創意的產生過程卻正正表達了機器與現代文明之間復雜的互動關系。

Unfortunately , a lot of junk mails are popular at the same time . the junk mails not only fill - up mail server storage space , but also make user spend much time on remove these junk mails 但是同時,許多垃圾郵件也在網絡中蔓延,占據了郵件服務器的大量存儲空間,用戶往往要花費大量時間去刪除這些垃圾郵件。

Microsoft has analyzed thousands of pieces of junk mail and developed filters that identify junk mail , such as commercial bulk mail and mail suspected of having adult content Microsoft根據對數千封垃圾郵件進行分析的結果,開發出了垃圾郵件篩選器,可識別如商務性的大宗郵件和可能帶有成人內容的垃圾郵件。

Create rules that automatically recognize , flag , and dispose of unsolicited junk e - mail identified by the junk mail filters and from junk mailers list , to which you can add names 創建規則,以自動識別、標記和處理由“垃圾郵件”篩選器識別的垃圾電子郵件和來自“垃圾郵件發件人”的垃圾電子郵件。

Inspired by the tons of junk mail received every day , typing machine ( junk mail factory ) is built to reveal the nonsense yet playful nature in text - generation process 靈感來自每天收到的大量垃圾郵件, 《打字機器(垃圾電郵工廠) 》旨在表現文字于產生過程中荒唐但卻充滿玩味感的特性。

The user can now use the filtering feature of his or her favorite mail user agent to sweep these tagged spam messages to a “ junk mail “ folder or to delete them 現在用戶可以使用他或她喜歡的郵件用戶代理的過濾功能來將這些帶標記的垃圾郵件消息掃除到“垃圾郵件”文件夾或刪除它們。

A valid email address is required to protect chachantang . com from automatic junk mail senders . your email serves as a contact link when other people want to contact you 我們要求使用者提供有效的電郵來防止垃圾郵件充斥茶餐廳,你的電郵亦成為其他用者聯絡你的途徑。

Even with that come ? on , millions of computer ? savvy people would likely have ignored it as junk mail from an unknown sender 不過即使面對這樣的引誘,數以百萬計深諳計算機的電腦使用者也很可能將其看作是從某位不知名的發送者發來的垃圾郵件而不予理睬。

2 . it is not permitted to disclose any personal information or enterprise commercial information without their consent and send junk mails to the users 2 .未經其許可不得隨意公開本網站中的任何個人資料或企業商業信息,不得向用戶發送垃圾郵件。

We talk about junk mail junk mail to describe either unwanted e - mails which you receive or unwanted letters . 3 我們用junk mail垃圾郵件來描述那些你接到的,然而是你不需要的電子郵件或者信件。

Messages from the blocked users are delivered directly to the new junk mail folder in the notes 7 mail database 來自被阻止用戶的消息將直接投遞到notes 7郵件數據庫中新增的junk mail文件夾中。

If your email address is appear in this page , it means that you have sent junk mail to our member for more than one time 如果你的郵件出現在本頁,說明你向本站及成員發過垃圾郵件!

We still get junk mail . let ' s talk to folks about direct marketing . let ' s see what they had to say 我們依然收到垃圾郵件。讓我們和那些伙計們談談直銷。讓我們聽聽他們有什么要說的。

When you drag a message to your junk mail folder , this message is automatically classified as spam mail 當您把郵件拖倒垃圾郵件文件夾中的時候,該消息自動被劃分為垃圾郵件。

All future incoming messages from the blocked users will be delivered automatically to the junk mail folder 以后所有來自被阻止用戶的消息將自動投遞到junk mail文件夾。

These people are getting so ridiculous . they practically filled up my mail box with junk mail 這些人真是變得太離譜了!他們簡直把我的信箱都用垃圾信件灌滿了